Kriyan has been establised since 2007. The company involve in various projects in telecommunications, IT and electrical industries. The major customers are the government departments, telco. companies and shipyard company. The management team are very experienced and skillful in managing projects to achieve customer satisfaction.
Our commitment are:-
1. To offer a competitive price
2. Efficient in project management
3. The best customer services
4. High quality of work
5. Punctuality
6. Value added services
The Kriyan team members are:
- Mohd Hasif Abdullah, Managing Director & CEO
- Ungku Intan Yusnidar Binti Ungku Mohd Yusof, System Technical
- Noor Ashikin Abdullah, Finance & Administration
- Amira Natasha Binti Zulkiflee, Marketing
- Alif Ahnaf Omar, Project Operations
- Mohd Shahren Bin Mat Sulong, Project Operations
- Mohamad Zulkifli bIn Ahmad Kamizi, Project Operations
- Ungku Abdul Aziz Bin Ungku Jaafar, Project Operations
- Muhammad Mustaqim Bin Ahmad Kamizi, Project Operations
- Muhammad Arif Bin Mohd Sakhri, Project Operations
"The inspired teams towards project completion"
Kriyan provides the best services and product solutions for.:
- Communication Devices
- Telecommunication Project
- Information Technology (IT) infrastructure and System
- Audio Video and PA system
- Civil Engineering
- Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)
- SMATV and IPABX projects
- Marine Cables, Lighting and Fittings